shitty hands and cock fights

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Boy Roy

Boy Roy joined our crew via me. A long time acquaintance of my brothers, he became a client of mine and after many hours of talking about poke he came to the Monkey Casino. Probably close to nine months ago on a rainy Tournament night he showed up and hasn’t missed a Sunday or Thursday since.

Lately Boy Roy has been doing a lot of house clean, leaving the Monkey Casino with about five hundred dollars a night. Although he is a super nice guy, we all hate him, a lot. They blame me for bringing him and we talk badly about him like he isn’t in the room all the time. Its rolling joke when someone yells out “Roy’s an asshole”..Or “I hate Roy” or “Fuck Roy” he just sits there like the nice quiet guy that he is, defend his play and keeps winning our money. On Thursday Chadwick shouted out “I hate you Roy. I hate you so much if you died I wouldn’t come to your funeral” then he recanted “No, I would come to your funeral” I jump in “You better come to his funeral”. “Bullshit, I’m not coming” Chadwick answers me. “I’ll go” Charles adds, “I’d come” Stoner says calmly. Dahmer not paying attention like always, asks “Where are you all going” I answer “To Roy funeral” Then well all start rolling in laughter as poor Roy sits there with a sweet smile on his face. He is really competitive, plays well and enjoys the party. Roy often stays there till 5 am and walks with everyone’s money.

1000aire has a real problem with Roy, well he has a problem with everyone, but especial Roy.

Roy has King Three, and the flop comes K 10 K, 1000aire calls all in and of course they had been at each other throats all night, he calls and 1000aire has a melt down in the likes that I haven’t seen in a long time. He slammed the cards down right in Roy’s face, Roy stood up and started talking shit. “What the fuck Dick, if you can’t handle loosing then don’t play” 1000aire got into his face and yelled back, “Fuck off” and he left. Again the room roared with laughter. Nothing beats a 1000aire melt down. I thought it was gonna be the first fist fight, good thing because the security is a bunch of Monkeys.

Personally I lost 70 dollars that night I couldn’t catch a hand, kept getting out played. At one point I was even, and my phone was buzzing a booty text message, instead of leaving. I stayed with the my eyes full of the riches on the table that I never won.

I’m headed out to a casino with Zelda and David tomorrow, a couple of other friends as well. I’m going to see if my money has better luck in another area code.

Online poker still sucks, but I’ve been spending a lot of time playing. Its cheaper than the casino tourneys.


Blogger Jobove - Reus said...

He visits the iconoclast and irreverent blog
http: // in Reus (Spain)

Thank you, you will not repent.

I have visited yours and I have liked very much

3:19 AM

Blogger Rastaman said...

So, you quit?

6:39 PM


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