shitty hands and cock fights

Monday, April 03, 2006

Fiend is Friend without the R

Jonesin for some poker all week long, we got a game going on at K.P.’s and J.P.’s house.
When “Cute Paul” was playing as reckless as usually, first hand of the game he was out, he then rallied to get a re-buy. Re-buys, extends the game and allows frivolous all in calls. The group hadn’t agreed to any re-buys before the game so the answer was no. Paul was bitter and retaliated with a curse to lose for me and the four other anti re-buy voters.

The start was gross, trash showing up in my hand every deal. I thought for sure I would get blinded out. I was patient, I was coy, almost got called out on a MAJOR bluffl, survived this poker tourney. Played it like a champ, Paul hung out trying to jinx me. One time I misread my hand. 100aire went all in. Could have swore I had ace queen, called his bet and was pretty upset when I took a second look at my holds, ten queen, funny thing, I ended up with a full house and took his ass out! I took X out, I took Dom out and I took J.P. the only person left was K.P., she’s a relatively weak player, not enough experience, but any old lucky hand could have wiped me out, we played till we were about even and split the pot. Thank God March is OVER; I won 100 bucks, and practiced a serious poker face.


Blogger Edward said...

$100 is better than a sharp stick in the eye.

4:17 AM

Blogger Todd said...

I suck at poker.

3:51 PM

Blogger FortuneCookie said...

I'll go all in!

4:11 PM

Blogger TequilaGuy said...

I shoot craps.

4:33 PM

Blogger dropdeadred said...

Have you blown the other wad, yet?

6:51 PM

Blogger nataS said...

Hello Love!

1:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

a lucky boat is way beter than a well played 4 card flush!

5:46 PM


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