shitty hands and cock fights

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Monkey Casino Invitational

Ten dollar five person tournament sounds weak, yet I rather enjoy the initiate atmosphere. Only the mega regs got a call, 1000aire couldn’t make it so, Pauly, Mi Boy, Dahmer, Stoner, and myself, saddled to the eternal poker table.
Eight O’clock is a bit early for the norm, but we had late night drinking plans. The boys get real raw in small groups and I love it because they give up information about what they really think about certain women we all know, like shitty nick names they have given to girls or when she looked good enough to “make a mess” about. Dirty boys, rating chicks day by day, “Saturday Kristin look pretty good, but Thursday she look like she got hit by the ugly express”. Fuck I better start sprucing up every game. I always figured they really didn’t notice, apparently they do. I told them I never want to hear about any nick name I get that represents my short comings. I love being one of the guys.
Dahmer had his tooth removed and was in major pain. When people are in pain, they should not play poker. Like a flock of birds, the weak and wounded will get pecked and picked, till they are dead. Dahmer was the first out, my hands where shitty but I was being patience. Stoner was out next, I was short staked. Pauly burned a nice pot off of Mi Boy and started bragging.
“Pauly” I said “Don’t start getting all cocky”, Pauly look straight into my eyes and said “Brandywine, I don’t have to be cocky, I have a big dick” my internal smile was now an external permanent fixture, I was blushing. How dare he distract me, through me right on tilt, the next hand I surrendered all my chips to big dick Paul. Touché!
The game ended shortly after that and we made our way to “The 40” where we met up with 1000aire, Roman and a few other players, I had lots of beers, talked about the party at the races. The bar was packed, we stayed pass closing which is way too late, yet by the end of the night the only thing I thought was, does Paul have a big dick?


Blogger Gallis said...


12:56 PM

Blogger dropdeadred said...

The only thing more distracting than being told by someone they have a big dick, is being shown.
Do you think he'll throw down next time?

6:10 PM

Blogger Brandi Love said...

Red, i think i gotta a pretty clear invite last night!

2:31 PM


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