Drunken Tuesday
Okay I know I haven’t posted a peep in a while, my apologies for the recorded, not that anyone is keeping one. I have in fact been playing a ton of poker, just nothing share worthy has been going on. I've played been a lot of online poker lately. .10 cent to 4 dollar tourneys, while laying in bed under my blankets with the AC blaring, and the fan spinning. The tourneys last about three hours, and I've won a few, not nearly as much as I've played. So, great and not so great about online poker, start with great, you can sit out of the game at anytime for any amount of time as long as you still have chips. Great because you can do a load of laundry, masturbate, grab snacks, and clean your room, masturbate, all in the buff. Not so great because you can turn into a hermit. When you've played the same tournament for two and a half hours, are just a few places away from the money, not much is gonna get you to leave the house.
The boys called me up for what is now known as "Drunken Tuesday". I'm not sure what the difference is because I get drunk every poker game, but since "Dahmer" drinks, which is rare, and "Mi Boy" pounds the vodka, its been named. It is normally just the inner circle of players, the original crew. I get a whole story out, get paid attention to, its great. We belted out Bob Seiger and Jackson Brown together with "Mi Boy" on the harmony. It was a good time, and I took a huge pot off of "Mi Boy", his name is Tim aka "Timmy Mi Boy" newly nicknamed "all in Tim" because its his signature move lately. So I get my holds, pocket Aces.. nice. I raise the blind up two chips, just two chips, one whole dollar. Dahmer and Mi Boy call. Flop comes Six D, Five S, Ten H. I bet ten, Dahmer folds, Mi Boy raises to twenty, I have about a total of thirty five chips, I call all in, he calls and I SMASH him down to size, take all his money and leave (it was late). Next day I walk into his bar and buy the bar top sitters a round on Mi Boy, I mean it was his money at one point.
Thursday's game is coming soon. It was a good one.