Catch Up
2/1/07 missing the tournament start by about ten minutes, I got called the moment there were enough players out to play cash. I only had twenty bucks, my best odds to make money was gonna be the tourney but school was my priority. Things ended up working out pretty well, I went home with about a hundred twenty dollars after doubling up Chadwick on the last hand. That always seems to happen to me, the second we decide to call the game at, Umm..I don’t know.. 3:30 a.m. I try very hard not to play but some how always end up giving away half my money. I was happy with my play, I wasn’t getting great hands, but my betting is getting close to brilliant. I love when someone thinks I’m bluffing, the rest of the Monkey will rally that I don’t bluff, because I rarely do, then bam I flip over a great bluff on Brian who losses his mind and his money. The joy is almost sinister.
2/3/07 Steve and Richard come play at The Monkey Casino on Thursdays sometimes, Steve more than Richard, Richard hotter than Steve. They had a game going on at their friend Daniels house. I went out Friday, worked all morning on Saturday, had a party Sunday. Laying low at a poker tourney sounded like a good idea, Until I realized that this house was a big kid palace, complete with whole room dedicated to poker. Huge poker table, computer projector with poker info, a keg, poker magazines, a wife who waited on us, fancy chips and cards, new men I’ve never met, and an Ipod station with some pretty horrible music, but it made for great conversations and gave everyone a chance to talk shit on Daniel. The guys are all good friends, I kept quiet and watched each one of them play. They were pretty bad, mostly playing on luck, bad hand after bad hand. I racked up the chips softly with a pretty smile. Acquiring the attention of two males, it was entertaining to watch them compete for my attention rather than my chips, I’ll take what I can get these days. At one point I stood up to deal across the large table, exposing my chest to the nine players. It was the least I could do.
After chipping away and making it to the last four players at this fifty dollar no rebuy with 15 minute blinds. Time to tinkle in the very clean, fancy rest room and when I returned Richard had taken the other two players out. Now I was short stack, Richard hadn’t even play very much. He was sitting waiting for his pray to weaken and make his move. I argued it was a set up against the new girl, it didn’t fly. Richard came down to the end of the table on my suggestion to allow the other guys to utilize the rest of the table for a cash game. Richard didn’t want to split, I had other motives. I’ve been after Richard for a while and now was my chance to grope him under the table as a distraction tactic. It didn’t work, it came down to pocket ten in my hand and Richard had queen king, a queen came on the river and I lost. We played a little while longer before I gave Richard a hard-on, he whispered to me if was going home with him, I said no, I’m not prepared for that right now. Richard left, using my second place money, hanging out playing cash game, then dismissed myself shortly after I swear I fell asleep twice. I left with two hundred twenty five bucks.
2/4/07 You are invited to Super bowl Party 07 at the Monkey. I made fresh yummy salsa and guacamole and bought some chips. We had a few pools going on, lots food, lots of Vodka and a nice full fresh keg of Keystone beer. Mi Boy and BD Paul organized it all, it was a nice change to be hanging out with the monkeys in a more social setting. Same spot different feel, a few one on one conversations that don’t really take place because we talk in a circle of people, nothing super personal is really ever discussed. I spoke with Charles, a very nice, bit older guy who frequents The Monkey Casino. We regaled his date from the night before. I’m glad he went out with a nice woman, He’s a nice guy. Charles tells me secrets about having dreams about me and me being one of the only women he has contact with, that’s too bad, he is pretty good looking for a 42 year old.
Once the Keg was dry, the food was gone and the vodka tonic were flowin like wine, we sat down and played some cards, I wish I have more recollection of the game, I did fairly well, I woke up with two hundred dollars in my purse. The only things I remember is watching Prince sing some good old tunes from my young years in the pouring rain and me and Mi Boy singing Karaoke machineless Karaoke into the wee hours. Good times.